Trade Search Engine Buyer Seller Contact Information.
Trade search engines play a very important role in providing data and statistics in matters related to export, import and other international trade related terms.
Advertising on Internet search engines, which is better known as Search Engine Marketing, is a low-cost way to test foreign markets and generate overseas leads. When used in conjunction with other promotion techniques such as product demonstrations, local distribution, international trade missions and exhibitions, search engine marketing can boost export sales.
Search Engine Marketing
SEM is a relatively new industry that has grown up around the success of search engines such as Google, Yahoo, AOL Search, Ask Jeeves, MSN, Lycos and others. It encompasses:
- Search engine advertising including pay-per-click advertising.
- Search engine public relations including optimized releases, RSS feeds and blogs.
- Search engine optimization of a web site including site design to achieve top listings.
Contact Information
Delhi Office
Mr. Prashant kumar
Tel: Direct : 91-11-40703045
Tel: Board : 91-11-40703000
Fax: 91-11-26422756